Friday, November 16, 2012

...locked inside your heart-shaped box...

Finding a waterfall in the desert was a hard task! West of Los Angeles and the middle of the sand you can find a forest and mountain lakes to cool off in those 100+ degree days. San Bernardino National Forest holds several lakes and a great view of the San Bernardino valley. Big Bear Lake, near the top is a big tourist and local place for boating and paddling around. Other lakes found on the mountain are more for canoe and swimming. I found a little lost gem than the run of the mill tourist must see....
I headed over to Crestline and the Valley of Enchantment (fancy name, right?!). Here in this area will be Camp Seeley, a summer camp that was featured in the 1998 Disney remake of "Parent Trap". Past the camp entrance you can take a trail road up to the Seeley Creek Trail and Heart Rock. After a nice shaded mile hike along pines and a small creek, you will find yourself at the top of a waterfall that doesn't look so special. Once you climb over to a small cliff that you can look over the clear crisp waterfall, you will see it...the magic. A heart :)

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