So that little list begins...(not really in any important order):
*JOURNAL AND BLOG MORE-I need to hone in on my creative juices. Growing up put a big damper on the flow of creativity I used to have pouring from my soul. I am going to tap in to that old well and start pumping out some fantastic stuff! I know that this will take some practice but I am ready to up my writing and art skills-ready to get back in the paint:) I want to keep a journal this year (try to do a daily one) of things that happened that day, fun stories, words of wisdom, drawings, places traveled, feelings and accomplishments. I think this will be fun to look back this time next year and see where I have been and what I have done. Of course, I need to keep up this blog and catch up on lots of adventures from last year! Light the spark...lets go!
*LEARN TO ACTUALLY USE MY CAMERA- in another setting besides "auto". My big self/Santa Christmas gift a few years ago was a nice Nikon super duper camera. The user manual was over 350 pages with minimal pictures (I know, right) so I chucked that in a drawer and took off snapping away scared to change anything with the millions of options it has. This year, I am going to learn! I have read a little of the manual in the last month or so but found better instructions on Pinterest and YouTube...but I think I may, at some point, actually ask a real live photographer to give the a quick lesson or few on how to use this massive machine of ever-loving joy. With this new knowledge I want to have better pictures to submit for features on other blogs or travel sites.
*TRAVEL- With knowledge on how to actually use my big girl camera...I have to have something to take pictures of! More travel will also lead to more blog posts and more things to journal about (see this working together thing I'm doing?). I would love to visit more state parks and sites of interest or off the beaten path magical mysteries. I counted up how many states I've been in 2012: 17!!! HOLY COW. My original plan was to double what I did this year, I don't see that happening-but I think that I will try to visit new states that I haven't been to (and maybe revisit a few that I love)!
*SAVE MONEY- How is a girl going to travel with out a little cash flow to keep up my bills at home? I am going to save money this year...which means work hard to play hard. I can easily cut on some spending and pay off my credit card and new mattress (aka heaven). Since I'm doing all this traveling I may get crazy and turn off my cable and home phone (a thing of the past). Make a savings cushion and get rid of that monthly stress of having enough to cover all the bills. The feeling of working hard to be able to shovel out your money to other people is the pits!
*WORKOUT- I went from a gym rat to not setting foot in a gym for a whole year! I have missed it tons this past year but being out on the road it is hard to find time to actually go into a gym that you like and has things you want in the middle of all the exploration to be done. I need to get me a little "on the road" gym to carry with me and dedicate time to doing it on my days off. The end of the year I stuck pretty hard to the Dukan Diet-lost 20 pounds, left home to come and work in Arizona and that all has come back through the holiday food and road food. Finding a love for hiking all the area mountain trails is something I am enjoying a few days a week and it has REALLY proved to myself that I am a fat big blob that can barely breath! It's that moment of breathlessness and personal pity that I find the reason to get back into the "gym rat" mode. Plus, I want to do more hiking and planning on doing a backpack around Asia trip in 2015 that I need to get ready for! I love weights and I love yoga. Both would be pretty easy to do anywhere I go--just need to DO IT! Thinking of coming up with some type of encouragement board I can take with me, something compact but "in your face" that I can have by my mirror or hanging on the bathroom door so I can see it all the time.
*SEND MORE SNAIL MAIL-There are these things called stamps. I am going to use them this year for other things than bills! I love getting mail from family and friends when I'm home and on the road. It is more special than email or texting and a heck of a lot more personal because you are taking the time to actually sit and think about that person and putting effort into picking out a card or the perfect paper and pin. I used to love doing pen pals in elementary school...just thought it was the neatest thing to hear about someone from another country or state and what they were doing. The smell of that state and all the places in-between are carried in that little envelope-its a very special thing.
*BE MORE PALEO-To help on my fitness and ease of eating on "constant vacation" I think sticking to a more Paleo type diet will c"ease" the fall from the bandwagon. Many items can be found at local farmers markets --which is my favorite place to shop in any new town! Eating fresh, in season and as natural as possible has got to have some advantages to it. Lean meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds....sounds easy. It's the bread and chocolate and dairy and sugar and soda (diet or zero) that is going to be the hard thing to try to get over! Even if I could just limit those to once a week-I feel that will be a huge accomplishment...just start slow (turtle time).
*PAMPER ME- I love massages and mani's/pedi's...with all this saved money I should be able to spring for a few ;). Traveling and driving in crazy traffic, working more hours, working out and hiking mountains, lack of chocolate and mellow yellow sounds like a stressful year already! If I could dedicate to a monthly pamper session it would be like heaven for my body! There are some many great techniques out there to be experienced and I need to try them all!
*GET A TATTOO- My mom just pooped her pants. Her little girl getting more markings of the devil. Well, I am a responsible "tattooee". I think long and hard about design and placement and if it is a life long thing for me. Been thinking about this one little new ink spot for almost two years and I think 2014 I should just go have it done. Two words that have proven themselves in my life and how it seems to go with the ebb and flow of events. Stay tuned for more. . .
*ORGANIZE. That's it...
*CAMP MORE-I started camping for the first time this summer since I was a wee little girl. For some reason every time we went to camp in a new place...there would be an unexpected flash flood tornado lightening super storm that would pop up. So this year, I plan to continue the tradition-and expand it! Hiking more, visiting more state parks, more travel-this will all lead to more opportunities to camp more. With camping, I could save the money I would spend on a fancy hotel (ah that working together for a better me thing again)!
So, that is my list. 2014 has a lot of adventure in it. Many stories to share and new and old people to share them with. May you be able or inspired to try a few resolutions or just plain goals for the new year and not stick to the old faithful of "not changing anything". The world is a big place right outside your back door. You can see a new thing everyday if you just open the door...